How To Enhance ESG Measurement Of Your Company?
ESG measurement of your business shows the overall performance of your company on key developmental metrics that are Environment, Social, and Governance. Let’s discuss Environmental, Social, and Governance factors in detail Environmental : You know about pollution and how it is harming the planet. But you are silent because you think that saving the environment is the responsibility of the government. Here you are making a big mistake. You are running a company and you are also responsible for keeping the environment safe. Smart investors want to see you as a savior of the planet. You should switch to green technology if you are still using the technology that pollutes the air, water, and soil. Social : How do you hire employees? Do you have the policy to promote the employees? What is your work environment? Do your employees get the freedom to raise their voices in your office? In ESG accounting, you have to show your Human Resource policies related to hiring and promoting t...