
Showing posts from December, 2021

How to Improve ESG Measurement of Your Company?

If your company isn’t doing well on ESG measurement , you could have a big problem in the future. Everyone including world governments, global investors, clients, and non-governmental organizations working to save the environment wants companies to behave responsibly. Let’s discuss responsible behavior The first is the environment where you have to score high. You use energy that increases your carbon footprint. You should look for ways to make your business energy-friendly. It is your responsibility to reduce your carbon footprint and it is possible only when you use clean and green technology. You should optimize your energy consumption to become an energy-friendly company. Second, is the social front where you need to practice equality. Your ESG reporting should show that everyone is equal in your business and you give equal opportunities to everyone. Your business should be a place where anyone can find a place based on talent instead of color, caste, religion, or region. It is...

How To Check And Improve ESG Rating Of Your Company?

As expected from a responsible company, you should be worried about your ESG rating . Your company has to perform well on the environmental, social, and governance front. Your company should be environment-friendly. Your social structure should be supportive, and your governance should be strong.  Let’s simplify the topics   Environmental : Everyone knows that the environment has become too polluted to become clean with any measure other than reducing carbon footprint. And the responsibility of reducing the carbon emission lies on companies like yours. Today every company has to be environment-friendly. In your case, you need to reduce the carbon footprint of your company.  Social : When you hire an employee, what do you see in that person. When the focus has to be on ESG , you should look only at talent. Your company should give equal opportunity to everyone and you should hire employees without any discrimination of color, caste, religion, and region. Also, the...